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Slim & Strong Moms Is A Six-Week Guided Online Program

Focused On New Moms With

Ariane Hundt, Clinical Nutritionist (M.S.) & Fitness Expert


Pregnancy, childbirth, babies & toddlers; you're a mom for life.  Now What?


Where do YOU fit into all of this ~ time, self-care, sleep, eating right, exercise, mindset, balancing the new family lifestyle?


As with the Basic Slim & Strong Program, you will receive daily emails and weekly workout cheat sheets, along with the private coaching of Ariane Hundt, Clinical Nutritionist (M.S.) & Fitness Expert, in our private Facebook group, where all your questions will get answered.


Slim & Strong Moms will cover:

  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Recovery after birth
  • Heal your abs and pelvic floor
  • Rebalancing Your Hormones
  • Metabolism
  • Mindset
  • Breastfeeding
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Social aspects of being a new mom


And You'll Have An Amazing Group Of Moms To Connect & Share It All!

Slim & Strong Moms

  • NOTE:  You will receive DAILY EMAILS + a set of RED RESISTANCE BANDS, so please be sure to provide the correct delivery information (mailing address + email address) so you receive everything.  

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